WXL39 Allentown 162.400 "Here is the area weather summary..." "At 3 PM, the temperature was __ degrees with __ skies at Lehigh Valley International Airport... some conditions for nearby portions of eastern Pennsylvania at 3 PM. Doylestown... Philadelphia... Harrisburg... Lancaster... Wilkes Barre-Scranton... Mount Pocono... Hazleton... here are some condititions in northern New Jersey at 3 PM. Andover... Morristown... Somerville... Trenton... Newark... Sussex... a few other locations at 3 PM... Pittsburgh... State College... New York City... Pomona... Binghamton... Washington D.C.... once again, at 3 PM at Lehigh Valley International Airport..." "This is NOAA Weather Radio out of Allentown, Pennsylvania on a frequency of 162-400." "The following river stage data is for recreational use only..." "Here is the regional weather forecast, for the southern Poconos..." "Here is the regional weather forecast, for Allentown, Reading and vicinity..." "The current time is __ Eastern Daylight Time." (9/22)