WXK65 Richmond 162.475 "The current time is __ Eastern Daylight Time." "Hazardous weather information. Now here is the hazardous weather outlook for southeast Maryland, northeast North Carolina, central Virginia, east-central Virginia, eastern Virginia, north-central Virginia, south-central Virginia, and southeast Virginia..." "The 2 PM area weather observations. At Richmond... at Chesterfield [detailed conditions]... across the rest of central Virginia, Petersburg... Hanover... Charlottesville... Fredericksburg... Farmville... Wakefield... to the north, west and south, Washington D.C.... Staunton... Roanoake... Lynchburg... South Hill... near the coast, and over North Carolina... Norfolk... Virginia Beach... Raleigh..." "The weather synopsis..." "Now the official National Weather Service forecast..." "Marine forecast: Chesapeake Bay from Windmill Point to New Point Comfort Virginia..." "Marine forecast: Chesapeake Bay from New Point Comfort to Little Creek Virginia..." "Marine forecast: coastal waters from Cape Charles Light Virginia to North Carolina-Virginia border out 20 nautical miles..." "Marine forecast: coastal waters from Cape Charles Light Virginia to North Carolina-Virginia border out 20 nautical miles..." "Here are the river levels along the James, Appomattox, and Chowan river basins as of [time], [date]..." "Air quality forecast. The forecast [date] for the Richmond metro area..." (9/20)
"This is NOAA's National Weather Service all-hazards weather radio, WXK65, broadcasting from Wakefield, Virginia, transmitting from Richmond, Virginia on a frequency of 162.475 megahertz. The following information is for central Virginia, including Richmond and the tri-cities."