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WXJ26 Ketchikan 162.550 "This is NOAA Weather Radio station WXJ Two Six, originating from the National Weather Service office in Juneau, and serving Ketchikan, Metlakatla, Annette, and coastal waters." "The current time is __ Alaska Standard Time." "Zone forecast for Ketchikan Gateway Borough..." "Zone forecast for Annette Island including Metlakatla..." "7 PM Alaska Standard Time observations on [date]. Ketchikan... Klawock... Petersburg... Wrangell... Prince Rupert... Sandspit... at Grey Islet... at Rose Spit... Cape Decision... Mary Island... Ketchikan Salmon Landing... at Ketchikan Tide Gauge... Guard Island... Ship Island... Lincoln Island... at Cape Edgecumbe Buoy... at Dixon West Entrance Buoy... at Dixon East Entrance Buoy 145... at North Nomad Buoy 185..." "Marine synopsis for Southeast Alaska..." "Marine forecast for Southern Chatham Strait, issued at [time and date]..." "Marine forecast for Frederick Sound, issued at [time and date]..." "Marine forecast for Sumner Strait, issued at [time and date]..." "Marine forecast for Clarence Strait, issued at [time and date]..." "Marine forecast for Dixon Entrance to Cape Decision out to 15 nautical miles, issued at [time and date]..." "Marine forecast for Cape Decision to Cape Edgecumbe out to 15 nautical miles, issued at [time and date]..." "Marine forecast for Pacific waters issued by Environment Canada at [time and date]]... Hecate Strait, northern half... Hecate Strait, southern half... Dixon Entrance East... Dixon Entrance West, West Coast Haida Gwaii northern half... West Coast Haida Gwaii southern half..." "Extended marine forecast for Pacific waters issued by Environment Canada at [time and date]] for [date range]... Hecate Strait... Dixon Entrance East... Dixon Entrance West..." (11/24)