KJY84 Anton 162.425 and KWN40 Fort Morgan 162.525 “The 8 AM observations around northeast Colorado. Akron... Fort Morgan [detailed conditions]... elsewhere... Yuma... Burlington... in Limon... Denver... Greeley... Sterling... Colorado Springs... Copper Mountain... Grand Junction... from outside Colorado, Cheyenne... North Platte... Goodland...” “Here is the forecast for Morgan County...” “Here is the forecast for Washington County...” “Here is the extended forecast for Washington and Morgan Counties...” (7/23, 9/23)
"You are listening to NOAA All-Hazards Radio, broadcasting 24 hours a day on frequency 162.425 Megahertz station KJY84 in Anton and 162.525 Megahertz on KWN40 in Fort Morgan. Broadcasts originate from the National Weather Service office in Boulder. These stations serve listeners in Morgan and Washington counties..."