British Columbia
VFV785 Chilliwack 162.400 "Forecast for Fraser Valley, west, including Abbotsford, issued by Environment Canada at [time and date]..." "Forecast for Fraser Valley, central, including Chilliwack, issued by Environment Canada at [time and date]..." "Forecast for Fraser Valley, east, including Hope, issued by Environment Canada at [time and date]..." "Conditions for Abbotsford Airport at 6 PM Pacific Daylight Time... conditions for Vancouver International Airport at 6 PM Pacific Daylight Time... conditions for Hope at 6 PM Pacific Daylight Time..." "Forecast for eastern Fraser Valley and central Fraser Valley, , issued by Environment Canada at [time and date]... (air quality forecast)" "This is Weatheradio Canada, station VFV785, broadcasting from Chilliwack on a frequency of 162.400 megahertz. This service is operated by Environment and Climate Change Canada. Comments should be directed to 1-877-789-7733. The current time is __ Pacific Daylight Time." (French programming) (6/23)
XMD481 Penticton 162.475 "Forecasts for the southwest Interior of British Columbia, issued at [time and date]] for [days], forecast for south Okanogan including Penticton... the extended forecast..." "Weather conditions at 4 PM, Kelowna... Summerland [detailed conditions]... Penticton [detailed conditions]... Osoyoos [detailed conditions]... Princeton..." (French ID) "This is Weatheradio Canada, station XMD481 Penticton, broadcasting on 162.475 megahertz. This service is operated by Environment Canada. Comments should be directed to 1-877-789-7733." (French programming) (8/21)
CGZ555 Vancouver 162.550 "Forecasts for the south coast of British Columbia, issued at [time and date]] for [days], forecast for Metro Vancouver... the extended forecast... forecast for southern Gulf Islands... the extended forecast... Fraser Valley, west, including Abbotsford... the extended forecast..." "Weather conditions. Squamish... Vancouver [detailed conditions]... Abbotsford [detailed conditions]... Hope [detailed conditions]... Saturna... Victoria [detailed conditions]..." "Marine forecasts for Pacific waters, issued at [time and date]] for [days], forecast for Strait of Georgia south of Nanaimo... outlook for Strait of Georgia south of Nanaimo..." "Weather conditions at 5 PM. Sand Heads... Vancouver... Point Atkinson... Pam Rocks... Port Mellon... Saturna... Qualicum... Nanaimo... Entrance Island... Victoria... Halibut Bank..." (French cycle) (9/13)